Monday, September 12, 2011

Change is a comin'

I've been meaning to update this blog. Lots of changes have been going on. I've moved into my own place, yes I'm Ms. Independent (in my Ne-yo voice). I'm still in Chicago, just farther up north near the lake. I've changed jobs, now I am in ER/Trauma nursing. Lots of drug overdoses and heart attacks. Sounds exciting, right? I'm learning a whole lot and really enjoying it, thank Allah. At my previous job I was working with all Black nurses. We had a sprinkle of Hispanic and White nurses. When I say that I mean I could count them on one hand. At my new job all the nurses are white. I am the only Black nurse in ER. The work culture is totally and drastically different. It made me realize that most of the medical world is either White or Asian. I will admit that at first I was slightly intimidated. Most folks think that nursing is nursing all the way around. There are many specialties and ER is new to me. It's a totally different process down there. Our job is to pretty much to ship the patients off, whether that be upstairs to a bed or out the door with a prescription in hand. So yes, I was intimidated because most of the nurses in ER have been there for 20+ years. I quickly overcame that because I know that I am a damn good nurse and I have the experience of working in underprivileged parts of the city. Places that half these nurses wouldn't even drive through. It has made me a hell of a good nurse.

The experience of living alone is an interesting one. I am enjoying the independence. Being able to cook in my OWN kitchen and have my OWN bathroom is great! I actually got a TV (for the first time). I'm not a TV person at all but I realized that the apartment was too quiet and I needed something. I found a TV at a yard sale for 5 bucks! Thanks to my mom I am a big bargain shopper. I found most of my stuff on craigslist. Nice stuff that is. I think my next post is going to be how to shop on craigslist, because its a strategy especially when you're buying furniture. Until next time!

Peace, Love and ever-lasting happiness to all!

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