Friday, January 21, 2011

Love (not diamonds) is forever

Recently, my mom told me a story. She is an OB/GYN nurse and helps deliver babies. There was a lady who was having a very difficult labor and eventually ended up dying of DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation), sometimes the stress of pregnancy causes your body to do wacky things. During delivery some women will lose the ability to clot. Literally, you will bleed through every orifice in your body. Your eyes, nose, ears, EVERYWHERE! Your blood pressure decreases something awful and you lose consciousness and eventually die. It's an awful sight. May Allah protect us all. Anyways the baby did survive, thank God. After the incident there were several reports of the lady wandering the room where she gave birth. People said she was looking for her baby. Only Allah knows. One of the other nurses even had a conversation with her and told her that the baby was ok and with his father and that it was time for her to leave. I am not a mother yet, but I understand that the relationship between a mother and her child is so strong and deep even before birth, so I can only imagine how much stronger it becomes after seeing and holding the baby.

No one can deny that love is a very complex and complicated thing. Falling in love is easy, staying in love is a different story. HA! :P I often wonder about the relationship that humans have with one another. Parents and children, couples who have been married for years, new lovers, and those who carry around their love without confessing it. It's so deep, so mysterious, and is one of the few things that lasts forever, it even surpasses death. I know for some it might be slightly far fetched but I think people, as well as animals, can die of a broken heart.

All this talk about 'I'm doin' me' or 'I don't need no man to make me happy' I don't care who says it because its all smack. Girlfriend, you need to stop it and just admit the truth! We were made to be in pairs not alone. Being single is nice in the sense that you have more independence, but over time people yearn to be with another person. Why do you think we have cat ladies? Or people who dress up their dogs and buy them gourmet meals? They are lonely and since they lack a strong human connection, they've resorted to the next best thing which are animals. I understand this even more now that I am single. There is no greater blessing than finding someone who will love you through thick and thin. Someone who will accept you for your flaws and listen to your silly stories when everyone else could care less. I love to hear stories of couples who have been together for 20+ years and know each other inside and out. I can only imagine and fantasize at this point but I'm sure its a beautiful thing.

Peace, Love and ever-lasting happiness to all!

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